Creating Wealth Through Property
A COMPLETE 27 Part ONLINE Property Education 'University' (Updated Every Month) That Shows You The A to Z Of Becoming Wealthy Through Australian & New Zealand Real Estate + LIVE Coaching With Me , Private Mastermind Calls AND Four 1 Day LIVE Events!
Work Exclusively With Me One on One
My Course + Personal Coaching
$499/month x 6
Property Profits Masterclass
  • My COMPLETE Course  with ALL Training Modules
  • Lifetime Access To Entire Course and 'Learn at your own pace'
  • Mastermind Calls with me joining you on your investing journey
  • Four (4) x One (1) Day LIVE events with me.
My Course + Personal Coaching (SAVER)
$2495 (Save $500)
Property Profits Masterclass
  • My COMPLETE Course  with ALL Training Modules
  • Lifetime Access To Entire Course and 'Learn at your own pace'
  • Mastermind Calls with me joining you on your investing journey
  • Four (4) x One (1) Day LIVE events with me.

How To Make A Good Income Anywhere, Any Time By Finding Good Real Estate Opportunities AND How To Renovate, Develop And Put Real Estate Projects Together To Rent Or Sell For Short And Long Term Profits!!!

Everything you may have already heard about the Creating Wealth Through Property Home Study Program and the Ultimate Success in Real Estate Summit Seminar is true.

Even the stories about how Boris the Canberra Developer made $2 million in just 24 months using some of the strategies revealed at the Summit and in the Home Study course are true.

But the biggest story of all is what happens to those who participate in this program and follow up seminars... They learn the ultimate skills...

t's true. No matter who you are, what background you have or where you live in Australia, you can learn how to make a good income doing nothing but finding real estate opportunities that others either can't see or don't know how to take advantage of... It's an easy business to get into. You don't need an office or storefront. You don't need retail clerks or salespeople. You don't even need a to have a high school education, or be a budding genius if you follow our system.

In fact, all you need to get into real estate investing is to use our strategies and follow our proven systems for finding, negotiating and buying or optioning good real estate...

Some Of Our Real Estate Experts Who Are Featured In The Best Selling Program Are...


If you try to make money in real estate and don't know or use the Recipe for Success (the recipe revealed by Peter, Boris, and the other real estate experts at our training), you're probably going to have the same kind of success rate you'd have if you tried to bake a cake without a recipe, just about zero. (And you'd still end up with a big mess on your hands.)

But if you know, and use, the amazingly simple, straightforward Recipe for Success for Real Estate Investing (as revealed in this course), you're going to discover it can be easy to make money in Real Estate and also selling our knowledge and programs to others. And it's easy to pursue a lifestyle where all you do is come up with, and follow through on Real Estate Renovation, Development, or simply buy low and re-sell higher projects. It's a real adventure. An adventure that can make you rich, if you know the 'recipe for real estate success!'

That was the purpose of the Creating Wealth Through Property Home Study program –and our seminars ... to bring together the best minds and top performers in real estate developing, investing, renovation, and financing, so they could teach the Recipe for Real Estate Success to others. And that's exactly what they did.

Some of the experts* who contribute to our real estate programs are...

Boris Planirac – Pavilion Homes: How To Find and Develop Successful Real Estate Projects. Boris's story is fascinating.  From a humble background, Boris has gone on to becoming one of Australia's most prominent real estate developers and marketers. Currently developing a 100 unit project on the shores of Canberra's Lake Burleigh Griffin... Boris had built, renovated or developed over 500 properties.  He will take you step-by-step through the process of finding, negotiating, and securing profitable sites; how to do the feasibility studies, approvals, and pre-construction process; together with selecting builders, managing your project and finally selling and cashing in on your efforts. He has a wealth of knowledge and is not afraid to share his real estate know how with others.

Peter Sun (That's me.) : Real Estate Investment Fundamentals and Creating a Success Mindset: I have bought, renovated, DA approved, subdivided, and sold 17 properties. Plus, I have been involved in another six property deals with my family. My experience includes buying and renovating USA properties; buying, holding, and selling in upcoming boom areas, sub-divisions, townhouse developments; DA approvals; as well as several renovations and even commercial properties and warehouses. I will take you through the basics of creating a success mind-set, finding the right areas, negotiating the best deals, renovating, developing and financing basics, as well as how to creatively rent or sell your finished projects at a premium... even in a flat or falling market!!

Hans Booij - Multivest: How to Subdivide, Add Value and Develop Student Accommodation in Areas of Fast Growth and Opportunities. Hans and I have been friends for over 15 years. Hans has personally been involved in over 45 property deals and currently owns at least 18 houses, units, and even shopping centers himself. He has a wealth of knowledge for finding and developing low budget, high profit real estate projects in university towns and satellite cities, where most people would not even know opportunities existed.

Kyle Marshall – Vogue Financial Solutions: How To Get Finance and Set Up You Investment For Maximum Growth and Minimum Risk. Kyle's enthusiasm and passion for making sure you get it right from the start are catching. His finance, super, and borrowing strategies will ensure that you have the maximum chance of getting your projects financed and off the ground, whilst protecting you in case of set-backs. Let's face it... without money no real estate project can get off the ground. And even Donald Trump has to borrow money for his projects!!

Yuk Wong: How To Legally Reduce Your Tax and Risk: Yup has an amazing list of real estate investment clients. He specializes with real estate investors and is the man others come to for advice, not just your ordinary accountant, but a real partner in creating your future real estate wealth!!

This amazingly talented group of people, all of whom make a living in some aspect of the real estate investing and/or education business, came together for the first time ever for a single purpose...

These EXPERTS Show You Everything They Know About Making Money In The Property Investing And The Development Business With The Goal Of Retiring Within 10 Years
"I Love Buying Property At A Discount"
Brenda negotiated a contract on a property 27% below valuation, and that's just the start of it! She has renovated property and even flipped property for twice the purchase price!

"Buying a property is one of the biggest purchases you will ever make and
it's amazing how many people DON'T get educated on it."

"It's invaluable having the education and being able to make money
in Real Estate"
The Entire Process Revealed To Making Money In Property and Creating Long Term Wealth In Real Estate... No Boring Speeches Just Practical Step-By-Step Advice On What You Need To Do ....

These experts are the REAL DEAL ... instead of giving speeches, they demonstrate how to find and develop successful real estate projects, getting finance and negotiating with sellers, agents, and banks in a logical, step-by-step process. Starting at the beginning with the very basics and sequentially working through each step in the entire process, everything was covered, but just to be sure everybody got it...

The Experts Actually Came Up With The Actual Projects, Formulas, Letters, Contracts And Systems They Used In Their Most Successful Real Estate Deals And Projects!


Actual projects. From start to finish. From selecting the right areas and finding the properties with most potential, to defining the market you want to sell or rent them to, to finding the best people to work with and managing the renovations or developments, to putting it all together and selling or renting the finished products. They reveal it all!  As well as teach you how to deal with agents, and create the best sales strategies to sell or rent them quickly and more.

And in the process, they revealed the 'recipe,' the template for success in the Real Estate Business. Until you see it for yourself, you'll never believe how easy it can be for you to make good money in the Real Estate business. All you have to do is follow the proven formula.

It sounds easy, doesn't it? When you do it right, it can be.

Of course, doing it right means putting all the little pieces together just the right way. That's what you're going to learn from the experts who contributed to the "Creating Wealth Through Property Home Study Program." That, plus a whole lot more.

Access Anywhere In The World
As long as you have internet you can access our FULL training from anywhere in the world! We've had people go on holidays in Fiji and still go through our program at their own pace and in their own time.

You can even DOWNLOAD audios for each module and listen while driving your car or while stuck in traffic! Listen on your favorite device! Ipad, Ipod, Android, Iphone, MP3 Player and Much More!
100% secure password and access!
Instant Access
It's easy to get started -- just sign up and start learning. Access is instant and easy to login.
Live Training
When you sign up, we'll also give you access to FOUR (4) one day training's per year!
Access ALL Updates
Check out our most newest releases and updates. You'll get 100% access.
Bonus Videos
We've also created a 'Quick-start' guide that is emailed to you to get you on your feet FAST. This is one of our NEW training programs.
Work Exclusively With Me One on One
My Course + Personal Coaching
$499/month x 6
Property Profits Masterclass
  • My COMPLETE Course  with ALL Training Modules
  • Lifetime Access To Entire Course and 'Learn at your own pace'
  • Mastermind Calls with me joining you on your investing journey
  • Four (4) x One (1) Day LIVE events with me.
My Course + Personal Coaching (SAVER)
$2495 (Save $500)
Property Profits Masterclass
  • My COMPLETE Course  with ALL Training Modules
  • Lifetime Access To Entire Course and 'Learn at your own pace'
  • Mastermind Calls with me joining you on your investing journey
  • Four (4) x One (1) Day LIVE events with me.
"I Just Put An Offer On an Undervalued Property!"
"What I learned through the course I just put an offer on
a undervalued property with the aim of building 5 units...
I would NEVER been able to do this without going through
the course.

This course showed me everything from finding undervalued property
to putting in offers.

This is a skill I plan on passing onto my kids."
Weekly Phone Support!
Every week we conduct two LIVE phone training calls with our customers. Here is a perfect time to ask Peter Sun or Alex Ryan anything you like!

 We discuss business, answer questions, show you the latest strategies to building a business plus reveal the latest market updates in the property market!
What Will You Learn?
This is only a SMALL fraction of what is covered in our extensive Property Education Course.
The Six Types Of Property Investors
How to identify which one your are right now and move ahead in your property goals FAST.
Most Effective Property Strategies To Use
We'll reveal the BEST strategies to use to create long term wealth and great cashflow from property.
Avoiding The BIG Mistakes Of Property Investing
We cover the WORST mistakes to make and how to AVOID losing money.
How To Find The BEST Deals In Property
Yep ... We have a TON of great strategies for you to use here. In fact Peter Sun is known very well for these strategies.
How To Buy Undervalued Properties
We show you the best ways to talk to agents and how to find the best deals.
How To Get Finance
Finance is sometimes EASY for some and hard for others. We'll show you how others are setting up their deals to be attractive to banks and brokers.
Property Developing For Beginners
Want to make big profits in small developments? Then watch this series. You'll love it!
Renovation For Profit, Property Options, How To Sell Your House For More, How To Get MORE Rent Plus Much Much More!
We have so much in this course it'll blow your mind.
"The Renovation Part Of The Course is Fantastic!"
We joined the program because we were looking for an education
course that teaches you how to invest in property for profit. Our
goal is to setup ourselves for retirement.

What I love about the program is the renovation part of the course!
How To Create The Focus,
The Mindset And A Life Purpose That'll Drive You
To Success Like A Laser Beam Hitting A Red Bull's-eye

As well as that, there is something else we cover in our program...

 The importance of having the right real estate business mindset and a rock solid life purpose that inspires, drives, and motivates you, is not something you'll normally hear about at trainings such as this. However, I consider this the most important part of what was shared in this program...

Because no matter how much money you make in your real estate business, it'll never be worth a cent if you first don't look after your health and relationships with others around you. I'll be sharing my experiences with you to ensure that you not only create wealth in all areas of your life... but that you also hold on to it now... and beyond the year 2020.

And that's not all. Here are some of the other things you'll learn in the Creating Wealth Through Property Home Study Program and the weekly follow up phone conferences...

Why it is so important to Define Your Goals and Target Buyers For Your Property, before you even buy, develop, or start renovating. (Most people buy, renovate, or develop and then ask, "Who can I sell it to?" That's the wrong way.)

Where to find the Ultimate Target Market to Sell Your Properties To. (And how to know beforehand if the people you are selling to are in the position to buy from you.)

How to Avoid The Really Dumb Mistakes behind almost all real estate investment and development failures! (This alone can assure you of a 1000% better chance of success.)

How to find Capital and Complete Financing for your real estate projects without going to the banks!!

How to come up with killer ads and websites that will Make MORE People Want To Inspect and Buy Your Properties!

How to Master the Mechanics of a Real Estate Investing Business that Really Works!

How to estimate the Profit Potential and risk of any development and renovation project before you start, and How to Know in Advance Which Real Estate Projects Will Be Big Winners before you invest a single penny! And which ones to walk away from!!

Create The Lifestyle You Truly Desire.
Property Investing Done Right Should Be Relaxing and Flexible.
Property investing shouldn't be about the daily grind and slogging away to pay your mortgage! It should be about being smart, buying undervalued properties, renting them out fast and for more money and living off the rent. It should be about SMART investing  which is very different from how most people play the game.

The experts we interviewed weren't just doing it for the money... They were mainly doing it for the...

The Lifestyle That Having Money And A
Real Estate Portfolio Permits Them To Live.

t's a strange way of thinking about money, but I guess they're right. It's not so much the money that's nice. It's what having money allows you to do.

See, when you have REAL wealth, you don't need a job or a business. You don't have to work with or for anyone else. And not having to show up for work every day frees up a lot of your time. Time you can choose how to use. Time to spend with your family. Or on your hobbies.Or on an adventure. Whatever...

The Choice Is Yours

But, as the experts pointed out, having the choice to do what you want and having the free time to do it can become quite addictive. Once you taste this freedom, you'll find it hard to go back to your old job. You'll never want to work for anyone but yourself. And you'll know why those who are doing it say having a successful real estate investment portfolio is the ultimate adventure!

Being able to come and go as you want, to travel, to spend time with your family and friends, or to just sleep late are luxuries far more enjoyable than a big car or a fancy gold watch. (Or so say the experts.) According to them, the real reward of success is...

True Independence.

(And most people thought it was the money!) Anyway, listening to these successful people talk about their lifestyles is fascinating, And it makes you realize that money isn't the goal. Money just gives you a means of reaching your goals, goals as different as the individuals who set them. (But money is not a bad thing either.)

There is something else that money brings, something that none of the speakers actually talked about, but something that could be seen in all of them. There was an air of confidence, a feeling of security, maybe even an inner peace that make these people stand out in a crowd.

But maybe it wasn't the money. Maybe it was the knowledge that they had discovered a way to live well, no matter what happened in their lives. They knew that anytime they needed money for anything, all they had to do was follow the recipe for success as revealed in the Creating Wealth Through Property Home Study Program and/or our distributor training.

A surprising thing about these experts is that they weren't at all hesitant to share the real estate experience they had mastered. They didn't hold back on anything. They revealed everything, gave advice and direction, and even told about their biggest mistakes.

"The training is fabulous and the support is fantastic!"
I have two children so I need to have the time and flexibility
and this answers this helps me. The product is fabulous as I have a passion
for renovating and real estate and having the knowledge to help me is really good!

If You Are Looking For A Quick Buck And Plan To Use Our Training
To Sell Lousy Overpriced Real Estate Projects And Rip People Off...


Then look somewhere else. I will not be helping you or keep giving you my advice.

On the Other Hand...

If you are looking for a better path to success, a new skill which can take you to the level of personal success and financial rewards that you desire, a path that has proven to work time and time again for others, then the Creating Wealth Through Property Home Study Program and support systems we offer you might be exactly what you are looking for, especially if you can afford to invest in your long-term success.

Creating Wealth Through Property can offer you a way out of the rat race, a vehicle to retire and create REAL wealth... if you follow the recipe for success. The Creating Wealth Through Property Home Study Program is the best opportunity for you to learn that recipe from some of the most successful people in real estate alive today.  Not billionaires like Donald Trumps or Harry Triguboff, but ordinary people just like you and me who have made it good through real estate.

But this experience is not free.

It's going to require an investment of money (to get the know-how and the training) and time (to learn the systems we teach you and apply it) and to go out and research the market, talk to agents, other investors, and basically immerse yourself in this for your own benefit. If you sincerely feel you are prepared to make that investment and commit to learning the recipe for success, then read on because I've got some good news for you.

By now you know this is more than just another real estate program; more than a collection of carefully selected reference and resource material; more than the systems, manuals, and procedures; and more than the year of live phone support and training...

It is all these things and more.

And, combined with your desire to live your life on your own terms, it could be...

An Experience That Changes Your Life!

There's nothing quite like the feeling of success, and that feeling can be yours. It is within your grasp. No matter who you are, where you live, whom you work for, or what business you own, you can create a successful real estate investing business. And...

The Creating Wealth Through Property Home Study
Program with all the supporting materials tools,
and training - can be your launching pad


Once you have the recipe for doing it right, you do what you want. You can buy, sell, renovate, hold, develop, or simply take out options and flip the properties before even paying for it... It's up to you. You can apply it to selling virtually any property or land. Following the same advice given to you in this real estate program, some people now make more money in one month than they used to make in one year, using real estate projects they only started as the result of the same system you'll be taught.

Given time and the correct application of the principles revealed at the Creating Wealth Through Property Home Study Program, together with the follow up support we have developed, you may do the same. But don't expect miracles to happen overnight. It may take time. As with everything worthwhile, your results will be a direct reflection of the effort and diligence you put into learning the principles of the Real Estate Investing Business as explained in the Creating Wealth Through Property Home Study Program, and applying the systems and ideas in your own life and real estate projects.

OK.  Let's talk a little more about the investment required. For any training and a business that could give you even a fraction of the returns some of our experts and students are experiencing, you'd be expected to invest in excess of $20,000 to get this information and apply it.

However, the true value of this program and what you will learn could be reflected in the results you could get and others have already achieved in the real estate business.

Yes, an investment in one's future can sometimes be priceless - if only one can afford to make the investment. (It's sad but true - some people can't afford to be successful.) Anyway, if you can afford success, and recognize this as an opportunity to fulfill your dreams, this is your chance to participate in the real estate investing business and use our systems to get started, together with all the benefits this has to offer, including ...

The Complete Online Creating Wealth Through Property Home Study Program including the videos, audios, the manuals, and all the other bonus materials.

The 12 moths of live teleconference training with myself and the other guest speakers.

The Recorded interviews with the real estate experts who are and have made money consistently in good markets and bad.

Plus, if you choose the opportunity to participate in joint ventures and bring projects to some of the more cashed up investors we have in our network...

As well as everything else I mentioned in this letter...

... For just $2,995 (plus GST if applicable)

Not everyone will succeed in real estate. However, the few who are serious about success and take this step, will find the rewards can be enormous. And, to make your decision a little easier, I have something else to offer you to ensure your success... if you are serious...

You'll also be informed of any new real estate seminars, products, or emerging real estate hot spots and where the new renovation, investment, and development opportunities lie for the future.

This is all yours... free (apart from your phone costs) . . . For 12 months. If you take the step now. One more thing...

Because we are enjoying a large degree of success using the real estate strategies you are getting, I know just how well it all works. Accordingly, you might assume that we would be willing to offer you an unconditional money-back guarantee on your success in this business...

...Well, I'm not.

Your success with the real estate business is absolutely dependent upon your ability and desire to learn and practice the necessary skills as shown in the program and supporting materials. You must also exercise self-discipline, maintain a positive attitude and belief in yourself (even in the face of adversity), and operate your business in a totally professional and efficient manner.

Whilst I can offer you all the knowledge and some of the systems used by others to generate a substantial wealth and income, I cannot instill in you the discipline needed to effectively use these systems or teach you the attitude of negotiating deals and dealing with tenants, agents, and trades people.

Lets face it... It's like just because students enroll at a university to do a law, commerce, or other course doesn't mean they will finish or get a great job. Statistically from many who enroll, fewer finish. Fewer still get honors and masters degrees, and fewer still go on to become great in their chosen career. (Some never finish and others never use their degrees!!)

And... as in any business endeavor, I cannot guarantee against your failure. (Statistically, less than three in ten people will succeed in a new business) Some people will consistently fail, even when offered the most outstanding opportunities. The Creating Wealth Through Property Home Study Program is no different.

We can only offer success to those who are prepared to put in the time, the money, and the effort necessary to learn the real estate business, to those who diligently follow the instructions, practice the new skills, and apply the information and conduct their real estate investments with the utmost professionalism until they achieve the level of success they desire. In the past, with our other programs, some of our students have excelled beyond their(and our) wildest expectations. People like John who went on to make up to $12 million per year in his business and create a multimillion dollar real estate portfolio. However, there are others who have failed. People who gave up, before reaching the skill levels necessary for their success.

Which story will you be? Only you decide. However, to ease your mind, what we are willing to do, is to...

Give You A Full 30 Days To Evaluate This Program
And Make Sure You Are Happy With Its Content.

Examine all the products, watch the videos, go over the tools supplied, and if you are not convinced this program is worth every cent you paid for it, you can e-mail the person who sent you to this page with your intention within 10 days and return it to them for a full refund of your investment.

This guarantee means you'll know exactly what you are getting and are satisfied with the information in the program. After that... it's up to you.

If you are looking for a real estate course that could make you wealthy, please consider this carefully.

This is a very rare opportunity for you to experience what others will just dream about. The freedom and financial rewards of personal success could be yours thanks to the Creating Wealth Through Property Home Study Program. I hope you are able to take advantage of this.

If you have any questions, or want more information please contact the person who sent you to this page...

Peter Sun

Work Exclusively With Me One on One
My Course + Personal Coaching
$499/month x 6
Property Profits Masterclass
  • My COMPLETE Course  with ALL Training Modules
  • Lifetime Access To Entire Course and 'Learn at your own pace'
  • Mastermind Calls with me joining you on your investing journey
  • Four (4) x One (1) Day LIVE events with me.
My Course + Personal Coaching (SAVER)
$2495 (Save $500)
Property Profits Masterclass
  • My COMPLETE Course  with ALL Training Modules
  • Lifetime Access To Entire Course and 'Learn at your own pace'
  • Mastermind Calls with me joining you on your investing journey
  • Four (4) x One (1) Day LIVE events with me.